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Volcanic Gasses' Impact on Human Health


Flash to Iceland, 1783. Dotted with

vast basaltic lava fields, glaciers, and a

varied ecosystem, the island now serves as a

great tourist attraction. The basaltic lava

fields come from the many volcanoes

throughout Iceland, fueled by a hotspot,

similar to that of Hawaii’s hotspot. Of

course, being such a volcanically active

island, there’s bound to be one or two large

volcanic eruptions. One such large eruption

had begun on the 8th of June, 1783, when a

several-kilometer wide fissure suddenly

opened up near the volcano of Grimsvotn,

located in the southeastern portion of

Iceland. Lava effusion rates were some of

the most rapid of the entire millennium, and

eventually 580 km2 of land were covered by

basalt from the eruption. The most

devastating aspect of the eruption was not

the lava itself, however, but the gasses that

were emitted as a result.

Approximately “122 Mt. i.e.

122,000,000 tonnes of sulfur dioxide”

(Hellman 19) were released over the few

months that the eruption took place. Much

of this sulfur dioxide reached the upper

troposphere, a section of the atmosphere that

extends to around 10 kilometers above sea

level in Iceland. Penetrating the

stratosphere, much of this SO2 was blown by

winds to cover a large portion of continental

Europe. The consequences were felt at large.

Iceland itself lost 10,000 people due to this

poisonous gas (11), and Europe was left

under a sulphuric haze. This haze would kill

thousands of more people across Europe,

and even go on to affect North America and

portions of Asia.

Volcanic Gasses

Volcanic gasses are gasses released

during volcanic eruptions; these gasses

include CO2 (carbon dioxide), SO2 (sulfur

dioxide), and H2O (water). The most

devastating of these gasses are CO2 and SO2.

Carbon dioxide is a compound that humans

breathe out; although it is a greenhouse gas

expelled by volcanic eruptions, the CO2

content is not great enough in most

eruptions to cause any significant amount of

global warming, as the expulsion of CO2

from volcanic eruptions is merely a part of a

natural carbon cycle.

SO2 is much more notable, in that

many volcanic eruptions are capable of

ejecting large quantities of this gas,

depending on the geographic location of the

volcano. Volcanoes like El Chichon in

Southeastern Mexico are capable of

releasing large quantities of SO2 as a result

of the volcano being adjacent to the

Chicxulub impact crater, where large

amounts of sulfur were deposited on impact

(Albert). SO2 can spread globally if enough

is ejected via volcanic eruptions or winds

permit the spread of SO2 across the planet. It

is worth mentioning that SO2 can dissolve

into water in the stratosphere to form

sulfuric acid; sulfuric acid can reflect

sunlight (, and volcanic eruptions

that eject significant quantities of SO2 (on

the order of tens of millions of tons) have

been noted to drastically reduce global


SO2 is an incredibly toxic gas, and if

inhaled, it can cause “burning of the nose

and throat, breathing difficulties, and severe

airway obstructions” (ATSDR); if significant

quantities of SO2 are inhaled, the situation

can become life-threatening. However, one

doesn’t need to get a large immediate dosage

of SO2 to see the health effects. Many

miners are subject to a constant dosage of

SO2 during work, and this can cause damage

to their lungs over time. This is especially

true with those who have asthma, as their

lungs are more sensitive to damage by SO2

(ATSDR). Sulfur dioxide can also poison

water if dispelled in an environment rich

with water; SO2 dissolves in water to form

sulfuric acid, which can contaminate

ground-water. If water is not filtered

properly, this contamination can negatively

affect human health.

CO2 is also a dangerous gas,

especially in high concentrations. Its most

devastating hazard as a volcanic gas comes

in the form of limnic eruptions. These

eruptions involve lakes, and occur when

large quantities of CO2 are suddenly released

in an explosion (SATREPS). The CO2 stays

relatively close to the ground, and it can

cause asphyxiation/suffocation by pushing

away O2 molecules, leaving less air to

breathe. Although these eruptions are rare,

they can be devastating when near populated

areas. Historical limnic eruptions have been

known to kill thousands, and if proper

preventative measures are not taken,

thousands more can be put at risk of a limnic


Current Hazards

Volcanic-induced gasses still pose a

threat today, although the threat is not

exactly with SO2. Large volume effusive

volcanic eruptions (eruptions that erupt lava

in fountains and lava flows) such that which

occurred in Iceland in 1783, are unlikely to

happen in our lifetimes. It is possible that

one may occur, but no signs now point to a

significant effusive eruption occurring

anytime soon.

Limnic eruptions, on the other hand,

pose a much more significant threat; due to a

lack of proper monitoring and little

mitigation efforts, the chance of a limnic

eruption occurring in close proximity with

large population centers is prominent. Lake

Kivu, a lake capable of producing a limnic

eruption, is close to the densely populated

area in Africa, “nestled between the

Democratic Republic of the Congo and

Rwanda” (Jones). A limnic eruption from

Lake Kivu, which can produce millions of

tons of CO2, would be devastating to the

surrounding area. And, due to the densely

populated region surrounding the lake, death

tolls can number in the hundreds of


Of course, a limnic eruption at Lake

Kivu is not guaranteed and can be

successfully mitigated using human-made

degassing mechanisms (Jones). This can

allow for CO2 beneath the lake to be

released in a peaceful manner, preventing a

sudden outburst of CO2. In that sense, efforts

must be taken to prevent large-scale limnic

eruptions from occurring near areas with

large populations, and areas at risk of large

limnic eruptions must be more actively

monitored to assure that these lakes are

degassing properly.

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